Start Date : Thursday 16 July, 2011
- SWAP Diet Coke for water
- SWAP dessert for 1 night a week
- SWAP meringues for 1 a week ONLY
- SWAP dessert for Fruit and / or yoghurt
- SWAP Take away to once a week ONLY
- SWAP all snacks to vege sticks or fruit
- SWAP noodles for Vege Noodles made with the Spiraliser
- SWAP White bread for Rye / Multi or Wholegrains
- SWAP 1 hour of sleep for 1 hour of exercise
- SWAP a 2nd helping for fresh fruit
- SWAP sugar cravings for a glass of water + 50 step-ups on each leg
- SWAP mindless eating for awareness -
- Be aware of what I am eating - is it for fuel or is it for cravings?
- Be aware of how I am eating - The food's not going anywhere, do I need to slow down?
- Be aware of why I am eating - Am I eating my feelings? Am I really even hungry?
- Be aware of when I am eating - Did I just eat?
- Be aware of where I am eating - Am I watching TV? Am I creating a bad habit?
- SWAP 30 mins of TV each night for planning and pre-tracking of my food
- SWAP greasy take-away for a healthy homemade version
- SWAP Eating the kids leftovers for NOT eating them (or having fruit instead)
- SWAP boredom eating for a 10 min run on the treadmill