I haven't been up to much lately, but I am thinking of submitting an idea to the yearly show for another horror attraction. I would call it The House of Gastro!
Apparently Christmas has come early this year..............
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"Howdy Ho" |
Thankfully it hasn't been me that has been effected by the dreaded poo bug, but the kids - all 4 of them! To make it worse, they get it one by one. Why can't they get it all at the same time and it all be over in a week?? WHY????
There have also been a couple of throat infections in there as well causing fevers and vomiting - it has been such an awesome few weeks, I just love it.
Apart from my lack of exercise, my food choices have been really, really bad so yesterday I went grocery shopping and have now filled the house with healthy foods. I didn't buy any chips, sweets, chocolates, biscuits etc. much to the disgust of my husband. I told him if he wants softdrink and biscuits he can buy it himself and eat it at work. I don't want it in the house and the kids don't need it to be here either.
For this............
AND I am making it a permanent part of my life. I know that if I keep a healthy kitchen, I will keep a healthy body. I don't care how much the kids and hubby complain that there's "no dessert" or "softdrink" in the house, I refuse to buy it from now on. I mean what sort of example am I setting for the kids by having it in the house anyway? Plus, it is so, so easy for me to just grab a biscuit instead of making myself a salad.
Even though I enjoy the salad just as much as the biscuit, the difference is the convenience of the junk cause it's pre-made. Now instead of grabbing a biscuit, I can grab an apple which is 1000 times more satisfying anyway - I am such an idiot, why am I just learning these simple, healthy lifestyle tips now? I can't believe how long it has taken for it all to finally start sinking in.
I do owe my epiphany to a good friend of mine (Me from My Journey - Am I There Yet?). Thanks to a conversation between us the other day, she made me realise something extremely significant which has greatly been effecting my attitude towards food that I didn't even know was happening.
Thank you so much Me, I love your support and the encouragement you give me to make myself a better version of what I am now xx
Please tell me if you have had a complete brain and kitchen overhaul.......
- Did / does your family complain about the changes to the food?
- What's something you have given up and never looked back?
- How do you cope with your new lifestyle changes when cravings hit?

Sorry to hear everyone has had the gastro bug - that sucks big time. Unless you have 4 loos in the house you might be glad that they didn't all get it at the same time !!!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat job with your food choices - you are right - if it isn't in the house, nobody can eat it. In the past I have bought things justifying my purchase saying it is for A and K when I know bloody well I will eat it. I have also stopped buying the junk but not so much the others. I am just trying to be strong and not eat - or at least minimise the amount that I do eat.
I don't know what I said but I am so glad that it helped - as you know, my phone/email is always open for you.
Have the best Friday ever !
Okay...firstly...the cartoon picture cracked me up!! LOL I'm so sorry you're dealing with sickness though..that's horrible, no-good fun.
ReplyDeleteAs to your questions:
-The kids did okay when I switched out chips for fruit in their lunches and juice drinks for water.
-I haven't given up any foods permanently, but I stay away from triggers, like brownies...I swear they are crack cocaine..I can't have just a bite.
-When I am craving I tend to give in (thus the long, slow journey). I'm learning not to do this, or to have a small bit and make it fit in my calorie count for the day. I tried a month without sweets/chocolate and my husband told me it was the worst thing I could've done. I think I could've detoxed completely, but for the next two weeks I wanted so much sweets it was weird. I decided "all things in moderation" still works best for me.
Great job getting the fruit and veggies. I hope the poo monster leaves quickly!