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So Long August, Bring on Spring :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Well, winter is just about over which means my unmet August goals are over too.  I know I still have 5 days left, but I have been MIA for the past week because of a stupid hat that looks like this :

I was up early and dressed ready to get onto the treadmill then I came across the stupid hat lying in the doorway.  I bent over to pick it up and BAM, I got this shooting pain in my lower back and down the back of my legs.  I couldn't get up and ended up on the floor until someone decided to help me.

I have been to the doctors and they said that my back muscles are all "puffy and inflamed"  I was given some tablets and a round of acupuncture which has helped a little and I have to go back on Tuesday for another round with more needles and a longer session.

I knew the second I hurt myself that I wasn't going to be able to complete my August goals of 50 kms and 1000 mins of cardio and because there is no use crying over what can not be controlled I have moved on and set myself some new goals for Spring.   My aim is to complete 5ks a day in September, it's a big ask, but I know I can do it if I believe I can and put my mind to it.  I also know that if I can complete the 5ks a day goal then I will easily complete 1000 mins of cardio - the 2 go hand in hand very nicely.   Bring on spring -I am ready :)

Bring on Spring
I love the pink cherry blossoms that have already been blooming for 3 weeks, it's nice to see some some flowers covering the trees that have been bare for so long.


  1. Oh Jane so sorry you hurt your back love, I hope it heals quickly xx

  2. Oh I hope you get better soon, I imagine it would be very hard with the kidlets at the moment :(

  3. oh Jane!

    I hope you feel better soon and I must say...I'm quite jealous...if only my August would lead to Spring!

  4. Bugger that hat!!! I'm so sorry about your back. Massive goal for September - go Jane, go Jane.

  5. Sooo sorry!! I've had so many injuries since I started my weight loss plan - (Knees, chest wall contusion, tennis elbow and now my back is hurting me - on to physical therapy next week) But the greatest thing ever is....even though these things happened, I did not quit my health and fitness plan. I worked through the injuries, learned all I could about how to strengthen my body, so I can avoid getting hurt again, and then I just kept going with my plan.

    The other day, I was complaining to my trainer about his new injury. She said, "You know all "athletes" get injuries." I'm like...she thinks I'm an athlete. How cool is that?

    So fellow athlete, heal your body, do everything they say and stay focused on your health and fitness plan. You WILL get better soon!!

  6. So sorry you're hurt. I sent you an email to your hotmail account - you won a prize from my Virtual 5K and I am having a hard time getting in touch with you. Please check your email.


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